
  • Reduced to Wet & Reckless Underage DUI

    People v. Ayden H.

  • People v. Antonio T.

    3rd DUI, 0.189 - Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. David H.

    Trial resulted in a hung jury on a refusal case. The jury was hung 7-5 for acquittal. The client remains not guilty.

  • Ramirez v. Superior Court of Kern County

    Kevin Ramirez was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) and subsequently had his driver's license suspended by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) after an Administrative Per Se (APS) hearing.

  • Knudsen v. Department of Motor Vehicles

    The case concerns the suspension of Eric Bean Knudsen's driver's license following an Administrative Per Se (APS) hearing, where the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) hearing officer found that Knudsen had driven with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or greater.

  • Atkinson v. Department of Motor Vehicles

    In *Atkinson v. Department of Motor Vehicles*, the California Court of Appeals addressed an appeal by the DMV concerning the award of attorney fees to 22 drivers who successfully petitioned for writs of mandamus.

  • Cisneros v. Department of Motor Vehicles

    The case involves fifty-one Petitioners who had their driver’s licenses wrongfully suspended by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) after being arrested for driving under the influence.

  • People v. Jesus R.

    3rd DUI, 0.29 - Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. Nathan R.

    3rd DUI, 0.196 - Rediced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. Heather B.

    Felony DUI, 0.21- Reduced to Misdeamnor No Jail Time

  • People v. Claudia C.

    2nd DUI, 0.21- Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. Jose D.

    DUI, 0.246- Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v Raymond S.

    DUI; Hit and Run, 0.14 - Reduced DUI Charges; Hit & Run Dismissed

  • People v. Miguel S.

    DUI; Hit and Run, 0.17 - Reduced DUI Charges; Hit & Run Dismissed

  • People v. Prashant P.

    2nd DUI, 0.234- Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. Deyoung K.

    DUI & Resisting Arrest, 0.16- Wet & Reckless Only

  • People v Kim V.

    DUI & Reckless Driving, 0.232 - Reduced DUI Charges; Reckless Driving Dismissed

  • People v. Jason E.

    2nd DUI, 0.16- Reduced Charges No Jail Time

  • People v. Gerry R.

    5th DUI – .14 BAC - Dismissed in the Interest of Justice

  • DMV v. Isiah S.

    Set aside license suspension on 1280 grounds.

  • DMV v. Janice JH.

    .16 DUI Set aside on 1280 grounds. Trial scheduled.

  • DMV v. Jerry R.

    .27 Second DUI. License reinstated without suspension. Pending Criminal Case.

  • DMV v. Rochelle W.

    Set-aside granted on .10% blood alcohol. License retained.

  • DMV v. S.K.

    Refusal set aside for lack of probable cause to stop.

  • DMV v. Stacey C.

    Over .20 Set aside. Trial scheduled.

  • People v R.R.

    .08 breath. Underage minor. Reduced to infraction with $210 fine.

  • People v. Alan L.

    .22 DUI. Case dismissed and license reinstated.

  • People v. Alex Z.

    Driving with a suspended license because of a DUI. Misdemeanor reduced to an infraction. No points and small fine.

  • People v. Amy W.

    .26 Second DUI. Case Dismissed and License reinstated.

  • People v. Armando L.

    .13/.13/.13/.13 DUI. Won both DMV and trial. Trial verdict in 13 minutes.

  • People v. Bradley T.

    Client was stopped by California Highway Patrol Officers and blew point .084 and .089 via Preliminary Alcohol Screening Test and .091 and .094 at the station via an evidentiary machine. Case dismissed.

  • People v. Brandon T.

    4th DUI. .18 Breath. 4 actual days work release.

  • People v. Brian T.

    .10/.10 breath case. Trial verdict: Not guilty all counts.

  • People v. Carlie A.

    .15/.15 Breath and Blood case. Trial Verdict: Not guilty all counts.

  • People v. D.K.

    .15 Class A DUI with Hazard Material Endorsements. Reduced to Reckless Driving and License reinstated.

  • People v. Daniel E.

    .18 Second-Time DUI. Dismissed. License reinstated.

  • People v. Emilio H.

    .23 DUI dismissed day of trial with license reinstatement.

  • People v. Eric J.

    Refusal of all tests and FST's. DUI matter dismissed by the Kern County District Attorney's Office. DMV Appeal via Writ resulted in voluntary reversal of DMV ruling by Attorney General of the State of California.

  • People v. Eric T.

    Suppression motion granted for unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Case dismissed.

  • People v. Gerald P.

    .18 Blood case. Accepted offer of drunk in public.

  • People v. Ian B.

    .09 DUI dismissed. License reinstated.

  • People v. Ian S.

    .15/.15 DUI with rollover accident. Plea to dry reckless with one year dismissal.

  • People v. James A

    .10 breath case. Suppression Motion granted. All Charges dismissed.

  • People v. James A.

    Suppression motion granted for unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Case dismissed. DMV writ appeal granted and the DMV suspension reversed.

  • People v. James P.

    .15 breath. Reduced to wet reckless with no probation, schools, suspension or restrictions.

  • People v. Jennifer M.

    .11 DUI pled to dry reckless with return of license.

  • People v. Jerry R.

    .24 DUI Dismissed and license reinstated.

  • People v. Jonathon R.

    Rising breath alcohol case. Won DMV hearing. Resolved criminal case for drunk in public and a small fine.

  • People v. Kellen S.

    Trial: Client was charged with felony DUI and injuring a family of four. Result: NOT GUILTY on .08% and hung jury on under the influence.

  • People v. Kenneth T.

    .17/.18 DUI after reported by private citizen. Bad driving and horrible SFSTs. Dismissed by Judge following prosecution case.

  • People v. Mark M.

    4th time DUI felony. .19 Breath. 90 days work release.

  • People v. Nick C.

    Second time DUI with Refusal. Case reduced to Reckless Driving and license reinstatement.

  • People v. Paige K.

    .11 DUI with an accident for underage minor was filed as a misdemeanor DUI. DUI is dismissed and plea to an infraction with only a $489 fine.

  • People v. Randy J.

    .15 DUI Acquitted. License reinstated.

  • People v. Robert M.

    .11 DUI driving in excess of 100 MPH. Dismissed with license reinstatement.

  • People v. Robert M.

    Roll-over vehicle accident with injuries to other vehicle. Over the limit DUI Dismissed. License Reinstated.

  • People v. Robert R.

    .08 DUI resolved for an infraction and set aside of his license suspension

  • People v. Ronald A.

    .23 DUI with rear end car accident caused by client. 4 occupants of car. Dismissal of Felony to 1st time DUI.

  • People v. Ruben M.

    Felony accident with two persons with Great Bodily injury looking at 10 years. Dropped to a misdemeanor first and no jail time.

  • People v. S.K.

    Prosecution for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs. All charges dismissed in exchange for plea to an infraction of weaving and $195.00 fine.

  • People v. Sandra H.

    .11 DUI. Resolved for a drunk in public and set aside of her suspension

  • People v. Shannon F.

    .10 PAS to .13 Blood. Mid trial, after disqualifying expert, Mr. Brehmer accepted a 2 year conditional dismissal to a dry reckless offer.

  • People v. Sylvia M.

    Writ of APS Decision granted on 1280 grounds. Attorneys fees awarded.

  • People v. Zachary O.

    Third time DUI with .23 blood alcohol. Offer was 180 days on a one year possible sentence. Result: DUI dismissed for plea to reckless driving involving alcohol with no time in custody or work release, fine and standard court probation.

  • People v. Summer N.

    Minor above the legal limit for DUI. Resolved for infraction with small fine.

  • People v. Eliseo F.

    .23 blood alcohol passed out in car. Resolved drunk in public and saved his Class A driver's license.

  • People v. Christian G.

    .24 accident with hit and run. Wet reckless while saving license and 3 months probation.

  • People v. Jose B.

    Second degree murder trial. Hung jury. Settled for 2 years v. 15 years to life.

  • People v. Scott S.

    .15 breath dismissed.

  • People v. John O.

    .15/.16 breath case dismissed

  • People v. S.I.

    .09/.10 breath case. Acquitted of driving under the influence.

  • People v. David H.

    Federal DUI dismissed.

  • People v. J.

    .15 accident with injury. BPD Officer client. Avoided felony DUI and pled to straight misdemeanor DUI.

  • People v. Brent S.

    DUI death of one and injury to 4. Reduced to drunk in public with no jail time.

  • People v. R.C.

    CHP Commander client. DUI trial on .18. Hung jury and reduced to drunk in public.

  • People v. Heidi K.

    .12 DUI. Dismissed DUI and pled to a wet reckless and saved drivers license. Just a fine as punishment.

  • People v. Janice K.

    Nurse with midrange BAC. Dismissed DUI and pled to a wet reckless and saved drivers license. Just a fine as punishment. Beat nursing board suspension and public discipline.

  • People v. John Z

    .15/.15/.15/.15 breath alcohol. Dismissed DUI and pled to a wet reckless and saved drivers license. Just a fine as punishment.

  • People v. Logan T.

    .21 DUI with resisting arrest and battery on a police officer. Second DUI. DUI only credit for time served with community service.

  • People v. Pete P.

    .15 DUI. Dismissed DUI and pled to a wet reckless and saved drivers license. Just a fine as punishment.

  • People v. S.B.

    .10 breath. Dismissed DUI and pled to a wet reckless and saved drivers license. Just a fine as punishment.

  • S.I. v. DMV

    5th District COA confirms attorney’s fee award in Writ Action.

  • Cisneros, et al. v. DMV

    Confirms Vehicle Code 11524c doesn’t apply to DMV proceedings

  • People v. Jerry R.

    .22 case dismissed, sealed, destroyed.

  • People v. Arturo F.V.

    All charges dismissed.

  • People v. Elizabeth E.

    All charges dismissed